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发表于 2019-1-5 13:38:46 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Rescue workers set up a rope bridge took rescue workers rescued trapped child rescue workers rescued with a rope bridge connects the piers and shore land
WASHINGTON (correspondent reporter Liu Feng Li Zhenhai intern Julie Roth) 5 o'clock yesterday morning, due to upstream flood, leading to abrupt increases the flow of the Han River, the two carriers under uncontrolled circumstances, rushed in c**truction Yunxian Hanjiang Bridge piers will be built of steel frame c**truction crowded collapse, a cargo ship was swept away, the other ship was attack piers and flooding, and broken down the middle,04Csgm4RRa, four officers climbed aboard the pier. After efforts to rescue Shiyan fire departments, the four were all rescued trapped.
Since the days of torrential rain,WrWG5jtskf,Louboutin Pas cher, causing flash Hanjiang River water level rose,cu5J3X4083, the upper reaches of Hanjiang River Basin in Shaanxi Ankang to alleviate peak pressure, flood gate, leading to water flow Yunxian Hanjiang River Basin of 15,000 to 20,000 cubic meters per second. Powerful steered the ship of the Han River running out of control,Louboutin Escarpins, 5 o'clock yesterday morning, two 300 t** of cargo was rushed to the c**truction of the Han River Bridge Pier, crowded together,NrqE4c9S43, will build a steel frame c**truction crowded collapse, a cargo ship was swept away, another ship pier is blocked,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, but under the impact of powerful floods and broken down the middle, but fortunately the four pers** on board the pier before this climb, it has not been washed away by the flood.
6:00 pm, Yunyang County Fire Brigade received a report,646zczKf37, the group's instructor Yang Jianhua immediately led 10 soldiers of two fire trucks rushed to the scene. Subsequently, deputy chief of detachment Norman Tong and other Shiyan assembled more than 20 flood commandos,Louboutin Bottines, also rushed to the rescue scene.
Fire officers and soldiers on foot walked away from the trapped nearest pier, I saw four people trapped on the river piers back and forth, anxiously waiting for rescue. Since about 50 meters,o0h1K9eyd0, flooding much between the piers, personnel and vessels unable to in the past. After on-site topography survey,9uqdh6U01Y, site command decisi** between the two piers built "rope bridge" to implement the rescue. Firefighters with Fire throw rope rope hit the opposite pier, so that the opposite trapped rope fixed,Louboutin Mary Jane, the two rescue hove past, tied to the pier, rescue personnel to rescue rope fixed to the side of the pier, with a rope put up a "life passage."
The river is very turbulent, the slightest mistake, is likely to be swept away, the headquarters site assigned excellent professional qualities of the three non-commissioned officers Liu marked as "error" task.
Liu who marked fasten seat belt, security hooked lifeline, his hands grip,81pYb8B9CP, feet up a, climbed down the lifeline across the pier, since elastic rope, Liu Jiang central standard time elapsed body from the river only a meter high, gush beneath the face, Liu marked with a good psychological quality, it keeps climbing trapped. After 10 minutes, Liu marked to reach across the pier, fire rescue strap he won the trapped prepared only good teenage boy tie, hang him lifeline, fire and rescue personnel side slowly pull it over. 10:50, the first to be successfully rescued trapped. 11:10, second trapped people were rescued; 11:30, the third trapped were rescued; 11:50, the fourth was rescued trapped.

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